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About me

Hi, my name is Emma. 

I was born and raised in South East London. I was raised to have strong values, morals and principles. I was taught to question myself, to reflect on my life experiences and to stand up for what I believe in. I feel this has given me a solid foundation on which to learn and develop as I have gone through life. This upbringing has empowered me to trust my own judgement, know my own mind and use my voice.

This is partly what drew me to person-centred therapy. It encourages the client to use self-reflection during the process, in order to better understand themselves. I know from my own life experience how crucial that has been in my self-development. I was drawn to the career of counselling as I wanted to help people. But more than that, I want to enable client's to help, trust and rely on themselves.

I've faced adversity in my own life and I feel this has given me a view and appreciation that we never truly know what someone else has experienced, even if we've been through similar situations. I feel this has strengthened my work as a counsellor as it gives me patience in my work. I also understand the importance of learning about you and your unique experience.

A Personal philosophy of mine:
Mistakes are not failures, they're opportunities to learn.

You only ever truly fail, if you fail to learn from your mistakes.


My Experience

My career before becoming a counsellor consisted of working with a multitude of people from different walks of life. I have experience working, communicating and engaging with a variety of people, meaning I have experience and an understanding of working with difference and diversity. I understand the importance and implications of difference and diversity and am always mindful of how it could impact on client's and/or our sessions. I believe this area is so vast and ever evolving as society evolves and changes, that I will continuously be learning personally and professionally. 
I have been a client in the counselling process. I am able to draw on my own experiences as a client and identify what was useful, what made me feel safe, what worked, what didn't, and bring these to my role as a counsellor. Although this may vary for my client's, I now know and value the importance of the client experience, the role I play as the counsellor and the consequences it can have when the clients needs are not met. 
I have a Diploma in Therapeutic counselling - person centred approach.

I have volunteered with Cruse Bereavement Services for over 2 years and have experience dealing with a multitude of different types of losses and bereavements.

I facilitate group bereavement sessions with Cruse, I am a trained assessor for Cruse and help with outreach to other local services; such as Greenwich Carers.

Quintessentially You by Emma Quinn. 

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